The Lack of Affordable Housing in Central Florida is Causing Many Vulnerable Single Parent Families, Senior Citizens and Veterans to Face Immanent Homelessness

Stable, Affordable Housing Helps People Overcome Housing Insecurity
Our Nonprofit Business Model
Life in the Tiny Home Village
A Florida Nonprofit Corp & IRS Designated 501c3 Charity
Why a Tiny Home Village?
A Private Nonprofit Affordable Housing Solution
Tiny Home Villages Create a Sense of Community and Serenity
Permanent Affordable Housing Increases Residents Quality of Life
Without their own door to lock at night, everything they own must go with them. They often have few possessions and live out of a box or suitcase. Without a community that listens, cares, and encourages, many veterans and seniors isolate themselves. A tiny home village creates a solution to these problems, providing a sense of place, safety and community for its residents.
Tiny Homes as Affordable Housing in Volusia County
The Leadership Team
Director & President – Chuck Munk
Chuck and his wife, Nancy, are the owners of Central Florida Property Investors. Along with being a licensed Realtor, Chuck brings a variety of experience to our board.
Chuck has been a youth pastor, church planter, an educator, foster-parent and owner of Half Off Books in Orange City. Chuck has been married to Nancy for 36 years. He has 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren. His passion for those experiencing homelessness comes from his personal faith in Jesus Christ and his experiences while growing up.
He states, “There were times when I was growing up when we lived in a tent for an entire summer. As a child I thought this was just camping, but later realized that we were too poor to afford housing.” He further states, “In my current role, I see housing becoming less and less affordable, especially for those who are elderly and living on just Social Security. We are a prosperous nation, and we can solve this problem.”